We are an independent, non-denominational, co-educational K – 12 school.
We offer performing arts & performance sports streams with an equal focus on academic rigour.

Evidence-informed practice in PDHPE

Isabella Batshon, who is just about to complete Year 11, enjoys the use of worked examples in PDHPE classes with Mr. Kaissis. She says, “I find the worked examples beneficial to my learning as we go through the content and format slowly. This helps us understand the content that we are required to learn but also, helps us present the work in a structured and logical way.”

The research also supports Isabella’s view by suggesting that worked examples can make it easier for students to understand complex concepts by reducing their “cognitive load”.

“Using modelled writing is vital in guiding students towards continued improvement in their literacy. Students are guided to think carefully about a text, allowing them to produce a work of clarity and effect. Differentiating the worked example to encourage students to work with more complex sentence structures and grammatical formats excites the students, maintaining their engagement and challenge”, says our head of department for the HSIE faculty, Mr. Nathan Fallon.