We are an independent, non-denominational, co-educational K – 12 school.
We offer performing arts & performance sports streams with an equal focus on academic rigour.

Musical Theatre: theory & thanks

It isn’t easy teaching (or learning) Musical Theatre online, however lockdown presented an opportunity to do deep dives into history, theory, and mock auditions – elements we usually struggle to find time for, due to routine choreography and rehearsal. It was rewarding to see our students engaged and always willing to try new things.

The Junior group, Years 7 – 9 brought more than a few tears to the eyes when they recited a poem of thanks to Ms. Bermingham and Mrs Dunbar and each held up beautiful homemade thank you signs to show their appreciation. The women were more than a little overwhelmed. Many other such kind gestures throughout the lockdown period demonstrated what a special community The McDonald College is.

We applaud our teachers, Ms Bermingham, Ms Dand and Ms Petsalis, and Mrs Dunbar for their tenacity and creativity in introducing new and interesting class activities, to broaden our Musical Theatre students’ knowledge. We are all looking forward to treading the boards once again!