Reflecting on the end of Term 1
As Term 1 draws to a close, I take a moment to reflect on all that has been achieved since February – excursions, assessments, carnivals, showcases, tournaments, competitions, performances, information sessions, NAPLAN, Year 12 conferences, camp, leadership conferences, Prefects’ Concert, Healthy Harold and more.
Students from Infants to Year 12 demonstrated a great team spirit at the Prefects’ Concert. Their respect for all the College stands for was evident and culminated in a fun-filled evening as the students appreciated the richness of each other’s differences.
Looking ahead, Term 2 is shaping up to be even busier, with academic demands alongside major performances and competitions. It is these high-performance expectations, including hard work and passion, which make our College a very special place.
Year 12 should have a detailed and disciplined study regime to be followed during the coming non-term time. This is a time to be organised, catch up, progress their major works etc. This is not holiday time for Year 12.
We will have another Open Day on Thursday 5 May, so if you know anyone interested in getting to know our beloved college, please invite them to register.
I wish all our students and their families a restful and enjoyable break and I remind parents to book their tickets to our Principal’s Gala Dinner on 27 May at Doltone House.

Maxine Kohler