Making Waves, Twirling Tutus and Glittery Disco Nights

The last weeks of Term 4 saw our Junior School students participate in an aquatics program to build their swimming and water safety skills. In a country where pools and the beach are such a part of our celebrations and activities, it is so important that students have the safety skills and ability to swim as they move through the school years.

Although our High-Performance Week showcased so many of the student performance skills back in September, our ballet students realised their performance opportunities on stage in the Evening of Classical Ballet at the NIDA Parade Theatre in November. The evening was a beautiful combination of performance pieces that showed the development of skills from our youngest students through to those at a pre-professional level. One of the great experiences for our young students is the chance to watch and spend time with those students who are just a bit older performing, and they get to see what to strive towards, as well as the commitment and dedication our senior dancers show.

Whilst the term disco might sit firmly in the 1980’s and 90’s, the Junior School disco always seems the best time to find all things glittery and to bust out some dance moves in the Conference Centre. This year again, we were fortunate to have Millie and Sophia act as the DJs and the P&F made sure everyone had plenty of food and drink to rock the night away.

The Junior School assemblies are always moments when we get to see students shine, and from hearing our Junior School captains, Scarlett and Caleb, speak about appreciation and gratitude through to watching nearly everyone of Year 6 perform as part of their final assembly, it has been such a positive and rewarding opportunity. A highlight was definitely the assembly led by the Kindergarten with songs, performed pieces and shared work all presented and read out by our Kindergartners.

The final term of 2023 is just about done, and for the Junior School students, it will be a time to enjoy the festive season and family. Next year will soon be upon us, and we look forward to all the opportunities coming our way in the near future.