We are an independent, non-denominational, co-educational K – 12 school.
We offer performing arts & performance sports streams with an equal focus on academic rigour.
Diverse Learning
Our committed Diverse Learning team believes that a culture of inclusion and belonging enriches the educational experience for all.
Inclusive approaches to teaching and learning are critical for providing access for all students. This is regardless of their prior learning experience, gender, ethnicity, socio-cultural background, personal abilities, or other circumstances.
Our team delivers support
- within the classroom
- in small group settings, and
- via one-to-one sessions, as required.
We provide a safe, encouraging, and inclusive environment. An environment where all students can grow, learn, and thrive together.
Uniquely, the team is often visited by a cross-section of students from across the school. A testament to our approachable and caring team.
Recognition and support
Students with diverse learning needs who require additional support are identified by
- using information from class and subject teachers
- parents / carers
- previous schools (if applicable) and
- the results of diagnostic tests such as NAPLAN in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9
- PAT-Reading and PAT-Mathematics
- the York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension, and
- the Weschler Individual Achievement Test III.
Differentiated curriculum
When a student with diverse learning needs starts at the College, we meet with the student’s parents, students, teachers, and their Year Coordinator.
We work together to determine the most appropriate modified or adjusted program for study, within the mainstream class environment.
Differentiation in curriculum delivery and assessment is provided by the classroom teacher in consultation with the Head of Department and the Diverse Learning team.
Students who demonstrate exceptional skills in a particular subject are provided with opportunities to further extend their capabilities. A student may be recommended for Acceleration – guiding them through their studies at a faster rate than usual, as appropriate. For example, a Year 10 student who has achieved all the Year 10 Mathematics outcomes could commence the Year 11 Mathematics course at the beginning of Year 10 and sit for the HSC in the subsequent year.
Disability provisions
Disability Provisions are provided for all eligible students for assessment tasks and examinations. This process is formalised with NESA for Years 11 and 12, when further documentation is essential.
Other services include
- Providing specialised English as an Additional Language support
- Briefing and providing teaching staff with strategies and professional readings to facilitate teaching and learning for all
- Training and management of teacher-aides and volunteers
- Facilitating professional development for staff regarding students with diverse learning needs
- Collaborating with the College Psychologist, and other external professionals supporting individual students.